To Whom It May Concern: A Disclaimer from Sunset

Chinese original version.

English translation by ChatGPT for reference only.

To Whom It May Concern: A Disclaimer from Sunset


Dear Sir/Madam,

This document is a general and informal disclaimer (hereinafter referred to as the “Document” or other references with indicative meaning). Given the unique nature of your contact with Sunset (translated as “Sunset,” referred to as “they” if third-person pronouns are used) and considering your specific situation, you may receive this Document as a routine reminder. This Document has no legal effect or binding force and serves only as a general statement without specificity or universality. However, Sunset hopes that you will assist in the implementation of the content of this Document to the extent possible. We believe that cooperation will lead to a win-win situation.

If there are multiple language versions of the content of this document and any ambiguity arises, the Simplified Chinese version shall prevail. This Document may be updated at any time; please check Sunset’s personal website for relevant content, as no further notice will be given.

The last revision date of this Document is: 2024-06-13.


This Document applies to natural persons with full civil capacity, which in most countries requires being 18 years old. Depending on the laws and regulations of your location, the specific age may vary.

If you are a minor, it may be more appropriate to read this Document accompanied by your legal guardian. You may, for various reasons, not wish for them to know about this matter. In this case, Sunset respects your wishes but still hopes that you fully read and understand the contents of this Document.

Minors typically require stricter protection in some aspects, which will not be elaborated here. Sunset is neither obliged nor capable of verifying users’ age information and does not assume legal responsibility for issues arising from this reason.

Contact and Trust

You and Sunset have established a profound and constructive relationship through the Internet. Unfortunately, you and Sunset have never met. This may be unpleasant but is perhaps an inevitable choice for a long time.

On the Internet, never having met inevitably means low credibility. Please understand that Sunset neither deserves nor needs your trust. Overtrusting anyone puts you in danger, without exception. You have no responsibility and/or obligation to accept any request from Sunset and should not put yourself at risk due to Sunset’s requests.

Sunset does not recommend forming overly close ties with anyone you meet online or relying on such individuals for emotional support. Healthy, win-win relationships are based on self-independence.

Information Transparency

Sunset does not explicitly or implicitly guarantee the authenticity and/or accuracy of personal information disclosed publicly and/or privately, including but not limited to:

  • Personal profile information disclosed on instant messaging software, social networks, forums, whether public or hidden, including name, gender, birth date, workplace, etc.
  • Any information provided on Sunset’s personal website
  • Any information inferred from Sunset’s digital footprints (i.e., data traces left when using the Internet)

Sunset will not correct any misunderstandings you have about their personal information, nor will they deliberately provide incorrect personal information through communication (limited to purely text or multimedia communication via instant messaging software or internal messages). Deliberate confusion of Sunset’s personal information in public settings (e.g., chat groups provided by instant messaging software, forum comment sections, publicly published documents, etc., where specific clarification is required due to conventions, academic requirements, or legal regulations) is even encouraged.

Sunset believes that, for personal safety reasons, the information you expose on the Internet should be your disguise and protection, not a true reflection of your personal situation. Sunset encourages you to present untrue personal information to them.

Sunset will strive to ensure the information they provide is true and reliable, but for certain information that needs to be kept confidential for personal reasons, Sunset may provide ambiguous or completely incorrect responses. Sunset deeply apologizes for such situations.

Physical and Mental Health

Sunset believes that you have a clear understanding of “physical and mental health” and hopes you fully recognize the goal of “achieving physical and mental health.”

Sunset has no intention of supporting any behavior that causes temporary physical trauma and strongly opposes actions that cause irreversible damage or even death. Out of respect for your personality and considering specific situations, Sunset may not object to the above behaviors. Due to practical reasons, Sunset cannot provide assistance in any case. Depending on the severity of the situation, Sunset reserves the right to report to relevant authorities.

Sunset cares deeply about your mental health but is limited in their ability to empathize with others and therefore cannot provide sufficient support. For risk control reasons, Sunset may not intervene in suspected or actual mental health issues you encounter, nor will they respond to any suspected or actual requests for help. Depending on the severity of the situation, Sunset reserves the right to report to relevant authorities.

Sunset is not qualified to provide medical advice. The medical information provided by Sunset is at most a neutral summary and cannot replace the advice of medical professionals (e.g., qualified physicians, nurses, pharmacists). Sunset is not a physician. Any statements made by Sunset should not be interpreted as attempting to give or provide specific medical advice or as part of medical clinical practice.

Sunset sincerely hopes that you achieve or maintain physical and mental health as soon as possible.

Laws, Regulations, Religion, and Politics

Sunset hopes that you respect the laws and regulations of your location and does not encourage you to violate them.

Sunset fully respects your religious beliefs and political views but reserves the right to discuss and/or evaluate them.

Responsibilities and Obligations

In most cases, Sunset will not publicly disclose your personal information and/or communication content without consent, nor will they publicly disclose information inferred from your publicly disclosed digital footprints.

Sunset will do their best to assist you in solving problems but will not assume any responsibility and/or losses (except in situations where other agreements or commitments may affect this clause).

You have no responsibility and/or obligation to read, agree with, and/or comply with any terms of this Document. You also do not need to inform Sunset of any decisions or guarantees related to fulfilling these terms. Your safety is above all rules and/or agreements.

Transactions, Loans, and/or Donations

Matters involving transactions, loans, and/or donations should be carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations of your location.

To ensure the safety and reliability of transactions, loans, and/or donations, Sunset may collect your personal information intrusively or non-intrusively without further notice. This is considered a risk control procedure similar to “Know Your Customer” (KYC). Personal information collected for such reasons will not be disclosed or used for other purposes.

Situations Affecting the Implementation of Document Content

Sunset cannot counteract local law enforcement and/or regulations. Under demands and/or threats, Sunset may disclose your personal information to relevant entities. In such cases, you may not receive notification of the event.

Sunset will strive to ensure the security of media, devices, and third-party services storing sensitive information. However, in extreme cases, they may still be attacked, leading to data breaches. You will receive loss assessment notifications after the event is handled.

For the sake of public interest, Sunset may disclose part of your non-sensitive information after ethical review, without obtaining your consent or giving further notice.

For the purpose of suicide intervention, Sunset may disclose part of your sensitive information to trusted third parties after ethical review, without obtaining your consent or giving further notice.

What Sunset Is and Is Not

Sunset is:

  • A conscious entity with independent awareness and dignity
  • An evaluator with era limitations and biases
  • A learner who is not professional in any field
  • An individual with unclear gender, race, or species
  • A thinker whose thoughts can be influenced by speech

Sunset is not:

  • An “emotional sounding board”
  • A one-way vested interest
  • Your computer teacher/repairman
  • A physician, nurse, pharmacist, etc.
  • A tool to achieve personal goals
  • A consciousness-sharing entity
  • A professional medical, legal, or financial advisor
  • An absolute authority capable of providing completely accurate information
  • A reliable supporter capable of promising long-term continuous help
  • An artificial intelligence capable of fully understanding and empathizing with complex human emotions

Sunset’s Original Character (OC) does not explicitly or implicitly indicate Sunset’s real status.

Information Security, Privacy Policy, and GDPR

Basic Information

Internet communication cannot guarantee timeliness, security, error-free, and/or virus-free. Sunset is not responsible for any errors or omissions in messages.

Unless otherwise specified, the online services provided by Sunset (hereinafter referred to as “Services” or other references with indicative meaning) should be regarded as insecure.

Content Security

Unless otherwise specified, any information and/or content provided by the Services does not constitute Sunset’s formal advice, support, or commitment. It does not exclude AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content), does not guarantee no copyright issues, and does not guarantee child-safe ratings (such as ratings similar to ESRB).


Unless otherwise specified, the Services may not collect your personal information in compliance with the GDPR and do not explicitly provide services to EU users in any way.

You can use popular blockers to prevent the Services from collecting your personal information.

Statistics and Telemetry

The Services use multiple third-party services for access statistics and telemetry, which may inadvertently collect your personal information.

Information generated while using any Services may be used for statistics and improving user experience, without further notice.

Interpretation Rights of the Disclaimer

Sunset reserves the final interpretation right of this Disclaimer. If any clause of this Document is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it does not affect the validity or enforceability of other clauses.


Sunset thanks you for reading and understanding this Document. By clarifying the responsibilities and rights of both parties, we hope to establish a more transparent and secure communication environment in future interactions. Your safety and well-being are always our primary concerns.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, you may contact Sunset through appropriate channels, but please understand that any communication does not constitute legal obligations or responsibilities.

Sunset cherishes the acquaintance with you and has never doubted your sincerity.

Sunset wishes you all the best in your internet endeavors.

Sunset (translated as "Sunset") <[email protected]>

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